Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Raymond Paloutzian /Ann Taves (Eds.):
Credition - An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Nature of Beliefs and Believing. Special issue. In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience – section: Emotion Regulation and Processing.
Lluis Oviedo / Sara Lumbreras / Hans-Ferdinand Angel (Eds.):
The Human Factor in Designing Sustainable Systems. Special issue. In: Sustainability - section: Energy Sustainability.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Credition in a Nutshell. Was ist Credition? UniPub Graz 2024
Weitere Publikationen
Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Beliefs in Pain and Suffering: A Cognitive Neuroscience Approach. In: Scientia et Fides 12(1)/2024, 51–71; DOI: [http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/SetF.2024.003]
Sara Lumbreras:
Credition and Complex Networks: Understanding the Structure of Belief as a Way of Facilitating Interreligious Dialogue, in: Vestrucci Andrea (ed.), Beyond Babel: Religion and Linguistic Pluralism. Springer Verlag. pp. 245-256 (2023).
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Fluid Theodicy: God as representations in patterns of empathy, emotions, and conceptual believing. In: Scientia et Fides 12(1)/2024,11-50; DOI: [http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/SetF.2024.002]
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Raymond F. Paloutzian / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Manifestations, social impact, and decay of conceptual beliefs: A cultural perspective. In: Brain and Behavior, 14(4), e3470. [https://doi.org/10.1002/brb3.3470]
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Pathways and crossroads to creditions: Insights from a retroperspective view. In: Frontiers in Psychology – section: Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology. 2022. [https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.942590]
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Raymond F. Paloutzian:
Beliefs Made It into Science: Believe It or Not. In: Function, Volume 4, Issue 6. 2023 [https://doi.org/10.1093/function/zqad049]
Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Review of: „On the Meaning of Psychological Concepts: Is There Still a Need for Psychological Concepts in the Empirical Science?” by Mika Suojanen. [https://doi.org/10.32388/G4R3AC]
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Raymond F. Paloutzian / Ann Taves:
Editorial. Credition—An interdisciplinary approach to the nature of beliefs and believing. In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience – section: Emotion Regulation and Processing. 2023 [https://doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2023.1217648]
Rüdiger J. Seitz
Glaubensvorgänge und Glaubensinhalte. Neurowissenschaftliche Perspektiven für alte Fragen. In: Nervenheilkunde 2023; 42: 294–304.
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Raymond F. Paloutzian:
Bridging the Gap Between Believing and Memory Functions. In: Europe's Journal of Psychology, 2023, Vol. 19(1), 113–124. [https://doi.org/10.5964/ejop.7461]
Thomas G. Plante / Gary E. Schwartz / Julie J. Exline / Crystal L. Park / Raymond F. Paloutzian / Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Human interaction with the divine, the sacred, and the deceased: topics that warrant increased attention by psychologists. In: Current Psychology 2023.
Aljoscha C. Neubauer / Gabriela Hofer
Believing in one's abilities: Ability estimates as a form of beliefs. In: Frontiers in Psychology – section: Cognition. 2022 [https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.943255]
Eva Fleischmann / Frederike T. Fellendorf / Elena M. Schönthaler / Melanie Lenger / Lena Hiendl / Nina Bonkat / Jolana Wagner-Skacel / Susanne A. Bengesser / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Rüdiger J. Seitz / Sophie Tietz / Eva Z. Reininghaus / Nina Dalkner:
Believing processes around COVID-19 vaccination: An exploratory study investigating workers in the health sector. In: Frontiers in Psychology - section: Public Mental Health 2002.
Jolana Wagner-Skacel / Sophie Tietz / Eva Fleischmann / Frederike T. Fellendorf / Susanne A. Bengesser / Melanie Lenger / Eva Z. Reininghaus / Marco Mairinger / Christof Körner / Christoph Pieh / Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hannes Hick / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Nina Dalkner:
Believing Processes during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Analysis. In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022.
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Raymond Paloutzian /Ann Taves:
Believing and social interactions: effects on bodily expressions and personal narratives. In: Credition - An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Nature of Beliefs and Believing. Special issue. In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience – section: Emotion Regulation and Processing. 2022. [https://doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2022.894219]
Leonhard Schilbach / Jennifer Pott:
Tracking and changing beliefs during social interaction: where computational psychiatry meets cognitive behavioral therapy. In: Credition - An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Nature of Beliefs and Believing. Special issue. In: Frontiers in Psychology – section: Cognition. 2022. [doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1010012]
Irene Cristofori / Shira Cohen-Zimerman / Joseph Bulbulia / Barry Gordon / Frank Krueger / Jordan Grafman:
The neural underpinning of religious beliefs: evidence from brain lesions. In: Credition - An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Nature of Beliefs and Believing. Special issue. In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience – section: Emotion Regulation and Processing. 2022. [doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2022.977600]
Karin Meissner:
Placebo, nocebo: Believing in the field of medicine. In: Credition - An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Nature of Beliefs and Believing. Special issue. In: Pharm. Treat. – section: Pharmacological Treatment of Pain. 2022. [https://doi.org/10.3389/fpain.2022.972169]
Sabine Bergner / Robert Rybnicek / Karl Koschutnig:
Leadership and credition: Followers’ neural response to leaders who are perceived as transformational. In: Credition - An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Nature of Beliefs and Believing. Special issue. In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience – section: Emotion Regulation and Processing. 2022. [doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2022.943896]
Sara Lumbreras:
The Synergies Between Understanding Belief Formation and Artificial Intelligence. In: Credition - An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Nature of Beliefs and Believing. Special issue. In: Frontiers in Psychology – section: Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology. 2022. [https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.868903]
Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Believing and Beliefs—Neurophysiological Underpinnings. In: Credition - An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Nature of Beliefs and Believing. Special issue. In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience – section: Emotion Regulation and Processing. 2022. [https://doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2022.880504]
Peter Holzer:
Gut Signals and Gut Feelings: Science at the Interface of Data and Beliefs. In: Credition - An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Nature of Beliefs and Believing. Special issue. In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience – section: Emotion Regulation and Processing. 2022. [https://doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2022.929332]
Sophie Tietz / Jolana Wagner-Skacel / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Michaela Ratzenhofer / Frederike T Fellendorf / Eva Fleischmann / Christof Körner / Eva Reininghaus / Rüdiger J. Seitz / Nina Dalkner:
Believing processes during the COVID-19 pandemic in individuals with bipolar disorder: An exploratory study. In: World Journal of Psychiatry 12 (7), 2022, 929-943.
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Raymond Paloutzian:
Statements of Believing involve Attribution. In: Academia Letters 2022, Article 4624. [https://doi.org/10.20935/AL4624]
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Raymond Paloutzian:
Bridging the gap between believing and memory functions. In: Europe’s Journal of Psychology 2022.
Andrea Vestrucci / Sara Lumbreras / Lluis Oviedo:
Can AI Help Us to Understand Belief? Sources, Advances, Limits, and Future Directions. In: International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 7(1), 2021, 24-33.
Philipp Kranabitl / Clemens Faustmann / Hannes Hick:
Decision Making for Sustainable Technical Applications with the SMH Approach. In: Sustainability, 13(16), 2021.
Sara Lumbreras / Lluis Oviedo / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
The Missing Piece in Sustainability Indices: Accounting for the Human Factor. In: Sustainability, 13(21), 2021, 11796
Raymond Paloutzian / Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
The Processes of Believing and Communicating with the Unseen. In: Thomas G. Plante / Gary Schwartz (Eds.): Human Interaction with the Divine, the Sacred, and the Deceased: Psychological, Scientific, and Theological Perspectives. London and New York: Taylor & Francis, Routledge 2021.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Glauben als dynamischer Vorgang: Credition based applied theology. In: Ralf Gaus / Andreas Leinhäupl (Eds.): Angewandte Theologie interdisziplinär, Ostfildern: Matthias-Grünewald Verlag 2022, 109-116.
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Raymond Paloutzian:
The Process of Believing, Mental Abnormalities, and Other Matters of the Mind: Where Do They Come From? What Are They Good For? In: Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion 2021.
Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Beliefs: A challenge in neuropsychological disorders. In: Journal of Neuropsychology 2021.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
A Process of Merging the Interior and Exterior Reality: A Short View on the Structure of Credition. In: Maria-Teresa Teixeira, Moirika Reker & Aljoscha Berve (Eds): Mind in Nature. Bridging Process Philosophy and Neoplatonism, 2021, 201-219. Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Sara Lumbreras:
Artificial Intelligence and Medicine: the Need for Interpretable Models. In: TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review, 9(2), 2021, 97-102.
Hannes Hick / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Philipp Kranabitl / Jolana Wagner-Skacel:
Decision-Making and the Influence of the Human Factor. In: Hannes Hick / Klaus Küpper / Helfried Sorger (Eds.): Systems Engineering for Automotive Powertrain Development Springer 2020, 1-26.
Sara Lumbreras / Lluis Oviedo:
The pandemic and its influence on the relationship between science, religion, and theology. In: ESSSAT News & Reviews. 30 (4), 2020, 5 - 14.
Sara Lumbreras:
Clinical Characteristics and Prognostic Factors for Intensive Care Unit Admission of Patients With COVID-19: Retrospective Study Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. In: Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(10), 2020 e21801-1 - e21801-13.
Sara Lumbreras / Lluis Oviedo:
Belief networks as complex systems. In: LIMINA, 3(2), 2020, 92–108.
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Belief formation – A driving force for brain evolution. In: Brain and Cognition, Volume 140, April 2020, 105548 [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278262619303860]
Sara Lumbreras:
Objetividad, humildad epistémica y ciencia responsable. In: Razón y fe: Revista hispanoamericana de cultura, 281 (1444), 2020, 207-220.
Lluis Oviedo / Konrad Szocik:
Religious—And Other Beliefs: How Much Specificity?. In: SAGE open, Volume 10, January 2020, 1–11.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Orthodox Tradition and Modern Cognitive Approaches to the Believing Process: "De Fide Orthodoxa" of St. John Damascene Re-read with the Lenses of Credition.
In: Alina Patru (Hg.): Meeting God in the OtherStudies in Religious Encounter and Pluralism in honour of Dorin Oancea on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Münster. LIT Verlag. 2019. 87-104.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
A History of the Evolution of Religion: From Religion to Religiosity to the Processes of Believing.
In: Jay Feierman, Llouis Oviedo (Eds.): The Evolution of Religion: How Biology, Psychology, and Theology Interact. New York. Routledge/Taylor & Francis. 2019. 87-103.
Mitropoulou Vasiliki / Gkirlou Dimitra / Meke Maria:
Building worldviews with credition teaching model in high school curricula of religious education: a controlled experimental study. In: Sociol Study, 2018. [https://doi.org/10.17265/2159-5526/2018.07.003]
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Raymond Paloutzian / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Believing is representation mediated by the dopamine brain system. In: European Journal of Neuroscience, 2018 Dec 26. doi: 10.1111/ejn.14317. [Epub ahead of print]
Ray Paloutzian / Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
The Process of Believing and Psychiatric Symptoms. In: Religion, Brain & Behavior, Published online: 05 Nov 2018 [https://doi.org/10.1080/2153599X.2018.1532456[
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Ray Paloutzian / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
From Believing to Belief: a general theoretical model. In: Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2018, 30:9, pp. 1254-1264. [https://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/jocn_a_01292]
Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Violations of Expectations as Matter for the Believing Process. In: Frontiers in Psychology. 8, section: Cognition. 2017
Xiaochun Han / Ting Zhang / Shiyu Wang / Shihui Han:
Neural correlates of believing. In: NeuroImage 156 (2017) 155–165 [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811917304263]
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Credition: From the Question of Belief to the Question of Believing. In: Hans-Ferdinand Angel et al. (Eds): Processes of Believing: The Acquisition, Maintenance, and Change in Creditions, Cham. Springer 2017, 17 - 36.
Aku Visala / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
The Theory of Credition and Philosophical Accounts of Belief: Looking for Common Ground. In: Hans-Ferdinand Angel et al. (Eds): Processes of Believing: The Acquisition, Maintenance, and Change in Creditions, Cham. Springer 2017, 183 - 193.
Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Beliefs and Believing as Possible Targets for Neuroscientific Research. In: Hans-Ferdinand Angel et al. (Eds): Processes of Believing: The Acquisition, Maintenance, and Change in Creditions, Cham. Springer 2017, 69-81.
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Raymond F. Paloutzian / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Process of believing: Where do they come from? What are they good for? In: F1000Research 2016, 5:2573.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Process of Believing as Fundamental Brain Function: the Concept of Credition. In: SFU Research Bulletin, 3. Jg/1, 2016
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Process and Creditions: How to Understand the Process of Believing? In: Jakub Dziadkowiec / Lukasz Lamza (Eds):
Recent Advances in the Creation of a Process-Based Worldview (European Studies in Process Thought 4), Newcastle upon Tyne 2016, 194 – 205.
Friedrich Zimmermann / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Soziale Nachhaltigkeit als Thema der Anthropologie. In: Zimmermann, Friedrich M. (Hrsg.): Nachhaltigkeit wofür? Von Chancen und Herausforderungen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2016, 59 - 84. [http://www.springer.com/de/book/9783662481905]
Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Zimmermann Friedrich:
Nachhaltigkeit: (Fast) reine Glaubenssache. In: Nachhaltigkeit wofür? Von Chancen und Herausforderungen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2016, 257 - 283. [http://www.springer.com/de/book/9783662481905]
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
No believing without emotion: The overlapping of emotion and cognition in the model of credition. In: Studies in Science and Theology (SSTh) 15 (2016), 215 – 222.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Die creditive Basis wirtschaftlichen Handelns. Zur wirtschaftsanthropologischen Bedeutung von Glaubensprozessen. In: Claus Dierksmeier / Ulrich Hemel / Jürgen Manemann (Hg.): Wirtschaftsanthropologie. Baden-Baden 2015, 167 – 205.
Sugiura Motoaki / Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Models and Neural Bases of the Believing Process. In: Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science 5 (2015), 12-23.
Denise Potthoff / Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Role of the first and second person perspective for control of behaviour: Understanding other people’s facial expressions. In: Journal of Physiol-Paris, Volume 109, December 2015, 191-200.
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Psychology of religion and spirituality: meaning-making and processes of believing In: Religion, Brain & Behavior, 2014.
Anne L.C Runehov / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
The Process of Believing: Revisiting the Problem of Justifying Beliefs. In: Studies in Science and Theology (SSTh) 14 (2013), 205 – 218
Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Reinhard Willfort:
Die Systematik hinter ´Bauchentscheidungen`. Warum vor allem Glaubensprozesse (Creditionen) unsere Wirtschaft steuern. In: Benedikt Lutz (Hg.): Wissen im Dialog, Krems 2013, 21 - 28 [http://www.donau-uni.ac.at/de/department/wissenkommunikation/news/id/19368/index.php]
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Credition. In: Runehov, Anne L.C., Oviedo, Lluis (Eds.): Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religion, 2013, 536-539.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Glauben ist ein Problem. Von der Komplexität mentaler Glaubensprozesse. In: Herder Korrespondenz, 2013/05, 260 - 265.
Herder Korrespondenz online
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Processes of believing - a review and conceptual account. In: Joseph P. Huston (ed.): Reviews in the Neurosciences, (2012) Band 23, Heft 3, Seiten 303 - 309 and Online:www.degruyter.com
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Ist das Konezpt der Creditionen für die Religionspsychologie brauchbar? In: Wege zum Menschen 1/2011, in: Wege zum Menschen 63 (2011), 4 - 26.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Glaubensprozesse - mehr als gefühlte Erkenntnis. Plädoyer für eine integrative Creditionen-Theorie, In: Maria Elisabeth Aigner / Rainer Bucher / Ingrid Bucher / Ingrid Hable / Hans-Walter Ruckenbauer (Hg.): Räume des Aufatmens. Pastoralpsychologie im Risiko der Anerkennung (FS für Karl Heinz Landenhauf), Berlin - Wien 2010, 156 - 189.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Man glaubt mehr als man glaubt. In: Themenzentrierte Interaktion, 1/2009, 57 - 67.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Ausblendungen, Lebensrelevanz und Glaubensprozesse (Creditionen). Religionspädagogische Positionierungen im Schnittfeld von Naturwissenschaft und Theologie. In: theo-web 2009/1, 26 – 41.
Hans-Ferdiand Angel:
Religiosidad (en: La nueva Ilustratción Evolucionista) 2009.
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Matthias Franz / Nina P. Azari:
Value judgments and self-control of action: The role of the medial frontal cortex. In: Brain Research Reviews, Volume 60(2), May 2009, 368–378.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Andreas Krauss:
Bases neurológicas de la religiosidad, en: Mentre y Cerebro, 12/2004.
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