Die Grundlagenforschung beschäftigt sich mit den neuronalen Strukturen und Funktionen von Creditionen.
Die Grundlagenforschung beschäftigt sich in interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit mit den Strukturen und Funktionen von Creditionen. Das Interesse erstreckt sich von der biologischen und neuronalen Mikro-Ebene bis hin zur Makro-Ebene des sozialen, politischen, wirtschaftlichen und religiösen Bereichs.
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Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Rüdiger. J. Seitz
Credition and the neurobiology of belief: the brain function in believing. Vol. 2, no 4, Academia Biology 2024;
Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Beliefs in Pain and Suffering: A Cognitive Neuroscience Approach. In: Scientia et Fides 12(1)/2024, 51–71; DOI:
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Fluid Theodicy: God as representations in patterns of empathy, emotions, and conceptual believing. In: Scientia et Fides 12(1)/2024,11-50; DOI:
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Raymond F. Paloutzian / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Manifestations, social impact, and decay of conceptual beliefs: A cultural perspective. In: Brain and Behavior, (2024)14(4), e3470. []
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Sara Lumbreras:
Credition and Complex Networks: Understanding the Structure of Belief as a Way of Facilitating Interreligious Dialogue, in: Vestrucci Andrea (ed.), Beyond Babel: Religion and Linguistic Pluralism. Springer Verlag. pp. 245-256 (2023).
Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Review of: „On the Meaning of Psychological Concepts: Is There Still a Need for Psychological Concepts in the Empirical Science?” by Mika Suojanen.
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Raymond F. Paloutzian / Ann Taves:
Editorial. Credition—An interdisciplinary approach to the nature of beliefs and believing. In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience – section: Emotion Regulation and Processing. 2023 []
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Raymond Paloutzian /Ann Taves:
Believing and social interactions: effects on bodily expressions and personal narratives. In: Credition - An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Nature of Beliefs and Believing. Special issue. In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience – section: Emotion Regulation and Processing. 2022. []
Rüdiger J. Seitz
Glaubensvorgänge und Glaubensinhalte. Neurowissenschaftliche Perspektiven für alte Fragen: In: Nervenheilkunde 2023; 42: 294–304.
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Raymond F. Paloutzian:
Bridging the Gap Between Believing and Memory Functions. In: Europe's Journal of Psychology, 2023, Vol. 19(1), 113–124. []
Thomas G. Plante / Gary E. Schwartz / Julie J. Exline / Crystal L. Park / Raymond F. Paloutzian / Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Human interaction with the divine, the sacred, and the deceased: topics that warrant increased attention by psychologists. In: Current Psychology 2023.
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Raymond F. Paloutzian:
Beliefs Made It into Science: Believe It or Not. In: Function, Volume 4, Issue 6. (2023)]
2 0 2 2
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Pathways and crossroads to creditions: Insights from a retroperspective view. In: Frontiers in Psychology – section: Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology. 2022.]
Aljoscha C. Neubauer / Gabriela Hofer
Believing in one's abilities: Ability estimates as a form of beliefs. In: Frontiers in Psychology – section: Cognition. 2022 []
Eva Fleischmann / Frederike T. Fellendorf / Elena M. Schönthaler / Melanie Lenger / Lena Hiendl / Nina Bonkat / Jolana Wagner-Skacel / Susanne A. Bengesser / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Rüdiger J. Seitz / Sophie Tietz / Eva Z. Reininghaus / Nina Dalkner:
Believing processes around COVID-19 vaccination: An exploratory study investigating workers in the health sector. In: Frontiers in Psychology - section: Public Mental Health 2002.
Jolana Wagner-Skacel / Sophie Tietz / Eva Fleischmann / Frederike T. Fellendorf / Susanne A. Bengesser / Melanie Lenger / Eva Z. Reininghaus / Marco Mairinger / Christof Körner / Christoph Pieh / Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hannes Hick / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Nina Dalkner:
Believing Processes during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Analysis. In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022.
Leonhard Schilbach / Jennifer Pott:
Tracking and changing beliefs during social interaction: where computational psychiatry meets cognitive behavioral therapy. In: Credition - An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Nature of Beliefs and Believing. Special issue. In: Frontiers in Psychology – section: Cognition. 2022. [doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1010012]
Irene Cristofori / Shira Cohen-Zimerman / Joseph Bulbulia / Barry Gordon / Frank Krueger / Jordan Grafman:
The neural underpinning of religious beliefs: evidence from brain lesions. In: Credition - An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Nature of Beliefs and Believing. Special issue. In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience – section: Emotion Regulation and Processing. 2022. [doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2022.977600]
Karin Meissner:
Placebo, nocebo: Believing in the field of medicine. In: Credition - An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Nature of Beliefs and Believing. Special issue. In: Pharm. Treat. – section: Pharmacological Treatment of Pain. 2022. []
Sabine Bergner / Robert Rybnicek / Karl Koschutnig:
Leadership and credition: Followers’ neural response to leaders who are perceived as transformational. In: Credition - An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Nature of Beliefs and Believing. Special issue. In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience – section: Emotion Regulation and Processing. 2022. [doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2022.943896]
Sara Lumbreras:
The Synergies Between Understanding Belief Formation and Artificial Intelligence. In: Credition - An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Nature of Beliefs and Believing. Special issue. In: Frontiers in Psychology – section: Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology. 2022. []
Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Believing and Beliefs—Neurophysiological Underpinnings. In: Credition - An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Nature of Beliefs and Believing. Special issue. In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience – section: Emotion Regulation and Processing. 2022. []
Peter Holzer:
Gut Signals and Gut Feelings: Science at the Interface of Data and Beliefs. In: Credition - An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Nature of Beliefs and Believing. Special issue. In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience – section: Emotion Regulation and Processing. 2022. []
Sophie Tietz / Jolana Wagner-Skacel / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Michaela Ratzenhofer / Frederike T Fellendorf / Eva Fleischmann / Christof Körner / Eva Reininghaus / Rüdiger J. Seitz / Nina Dalkner:
Believing processes during the COVID-19 pandemic in individuals with bipolar disorder: An exploratory study. In: World Journal of Psychiatry 12 (7), 2022, 929-943.
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Raymond Paloutzian:
Statements of Believing involve Attribution. In: Academia Letters 2022, Article 4624. []
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Raymond Paloutzian:
Bridging the gap between believing and memory functions. In: Europe’s Journal of Psychology 2022.
Andrea Vestrucci / Sara Lumbreras / Lluis Oviedo:
Can AI Help Us to Understand Belief? Sources, Advances, Limits, and Future Directions. In: International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 7(1), 2021, 24-33.
Philipp Kranabitl / Clemens Faustmann / Hannes Hick:
Decision Making for Sustainable Technical Applications with the SMH Approach. In: Sustainability, 13(16), 2021.
Sara Lumbreras / Lluis Oviedo / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
The Missing Piece in Sustainability Indices: Accounting for the Human Factor. In: Sustainability, 13(21), 2021, 11796
Raymond Paloutzian / Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
The Processes of Believing and Communicating with the Unseen. In: Thomas G. Plante / Gary Schwartz (Eds.): Human Interaction with the Divine, the Sacred, and the Deceased: Psychological, Scientific, and Theological Perspectives. London and New York: Taylor & Francis, Routledge 2021.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Glauben als dynamischer Vorgang: Credition based applied theology. In: Ralf Gaus / Andreas Leinhäupl (Eds.): Angewandte Theologie interdisziplinär, Ostfildern: Matthias-Grünewald Verlag 2022, 109-116.
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Raymond Paloutzian:
The Process of Believing, Mental Abnormalities, and Other Matters of the Mind: Where Do They Come From? What Are They Good For? In: Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion 2021.
Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Beliefs: A challenge in neuropsychological disorders. In: Journal of Neuropsychology 2021.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
A Process of Merging the Interior and Exterior Reality: A Short View on the Structure of Credition. In: Maria-Teresa Teixeira, Moirika Reker & Aljoscha Berve (Eds): Mind in Nature. Bridging Process Philosophy and Neoplatonism, 2021, 201-219. Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Sara Lumbreras:
Artificial Intelligence and Medicine: the Need for Interpretable Models. In: TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review, 9(2), 2021, 97-102.
Hannes Hick / Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Philipp Kranabitl / Jolana Wagner-Skacel:
Decision-Making and the Influence of the Human Factor. In: Hannes Hick / Klaus Küpper / Helfried Sorger (Eds.): Systems Engineering for Automotive Powertrain Development Springer 2020, 1-26.
Sara Lumbreras / Lluis Oviedo:
The pandemic and its influence on the relationship between science, religion, and theology. In: ESSSAT News & Reviews. 30 (4), 2020, 5 - 14.
Sara Lumbreras:
Clinical Characteristics and Prognostic Factors for Intensive Care Unit Admission of Patients With COVID-19: Retrospective Study Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. In: Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(10), 2020 e21801-1 - e21801-13.
Sara Lumbreras / Lluis Oviedo:
Belief networks as complex systems. In: LIMINA, 3(2), 2020, 92–108.
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Belief formation – A driving force for brain evolution. In: Brain and Cognition, Volume 140, April 2020, 105548 []
Sara Lumbreras:
Objetividad, humildad epistémica y ciencia responsable. In: Razón y fe: Revista hispanoamericana de cultura, 281 (1444), 2020, 207-220.
Lluis Oviedo / Konrad Szocik:
Religious—And Other Beliefs: How Much Specificity?. In: SAGE open, Volume 10, January 2020, 1–11.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Orthodox Tradition and Modern Cognitive Approaches to the Believing Process: "De Fide Orthodoxa" of St. John Damascene Re-read with the Lenses of Credition.
In: Alina Patru (Hg.): Meeting God in the OtherStudies in Religious Encounter and Pluralism in honour of Dorin Oancea on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Münster. LIT Verlag. 2019. 87-104.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
A History of the Evolution of Religion: From Religion to Religiosity to the Processes of Believing.
In: Jay Feierman, Llouis Oviedo (Eds.): The Evolution of Religion: How Biology, Psychology, and Theology Interact. New York. Routledge/Taylor & Francis. 2019. 87-103.
Mitropoulou Vasiliki / Gkirlou Dimitra / Meke Maria:
Building worldviews with credition teaching model in high school curricula of religious education: a controlled experimental study. In: Sociol Study, 2018. []
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Raymond Paloutzian / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Believing is representation mediated by the dopamine brain system. In: European Journal of Neuroscience, 2018 Dec 26. doi: 10.1111/ejn.14317. [Epub ahead of print]
Ray Paloutzian / Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
The Process of Believing and Psychiatric Symptoms. In: Religion, Brain & Behavior, Published online: 05 Nov 2018 [[
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Ray Paloutzian / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
From Believing to Belief: a general theoretical model. In: Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2018, 30:9, pp. 1254-1264. []
Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Violations of Expectations as Matter for the Believing Process. In: Frontiers in Psychology. 8, section: Cognition. 2017
Xiaochun Han / Ting Zhang / Shiyu Wang / Shihui Han:
Neural correlates of believing. In: NeuroImage 156 (2017) 155–165 []
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Credition: From the Question of Belief to the Question of Believing. In: Hans-Ferdinand Angel et al. (Eds): Processes of Believing: The Acquisition, Maintenance, and Change in Creditions, Cham. Springer 2017, 17 - 36.
Aku Visala / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
The Theory of Credition and Philosophical Accounts of Belief: Looking for Common Ground. In: Hans-Ferdinand Angel et al. (Eds): Processes of Believing: The Acquisition, Maintenance, and Change in Creditions, Cham. Springer 2017, 183 - 193.
Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Beliefs and Believing as Possible Targets for Neuroscientific Research. In: Hans-Ferdinand Angel et al. (Eds): Processes of Believing: The Acquisition, Maintenance, and Change in Creditions, Cham. Springer 2017, 69-81.
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Raymond F. Paloutzian / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Process of believing: Where do they come from? What are they good for? In: F1000Research 2016, 5:2573.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Process of Believing as Fundamental Brain Function: the Concept of Credition. In: SFU Research Bulletin, 3. Jg/1, 2016
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Process and Creditions: How to Understand the Process of Believing? In: Jakub Dziadkowiec / Lukasz Lamza (Eds):
Recent Advances in the Creation of a Process-Based Worldview (European Studies in Process Thought 4), Newcastle upon Tyne 2016, 194 – 205.
Friedrich Zimmermann / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Soziale Nachhaltigkeit als Thema der Anthropologie. In: Zimmermann, Friedrich M. (Hrsg.): Nachhaltigkeit wofür? Von Chancen und Herausforderungen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2016, 59 - 84. []
Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Zimmermann Friedrich:
Nachhaltigkeit: (Fast) reine Glaubenssache. In: Nachhaltigkeit wofür? Von Chancen und Herausforderungen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2016, 257 - 283. []
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
No believing without emotion: The overlapping of emotion and cognition in the model of credition. In: Studies in Science and Theology (SSTh) 15 (2016), 215 – 222.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Die creditive Basis wirtschaftlichen Handelns. Zur wirtschaftsanthropologischen Bedeutung von Glaubensprozessen. In: Claus Dierksmeier / Ulrich Hemel / Jürgen Manemann (Hg.): Wirtschaftsanthropologie. Baden-Baden 2015, 167 – 205.
Sugiura Motoaki / Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Models and Neural Bases of the Believing Process. In: Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science 5 (2015), 12-23.
Denise Potthoff / Rüdiger J. Seitz:
Role of the first and second person perspective for control of behaviour: Understanding other people’s facial expressions. In: Journal of Physiol-Paris, Volume 109, December 2015, 191-200.
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Psychology of religion and spirituality: meaning-making and processes of believing In: Religion, Brain & Behavior, 2014.
Anne L.C Runehov / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
The Process of Believing: Revisiting the Problem of Justifying Beliefs. In: Studies in Science and Theology (SSTh) 14 (2013), 205 – 218
Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Reinhard Willfort:
Die Systematik hinter ´Bauchentscheidungen`. Warum vor allem Glaubensprozesse (Creditionen) unsere Wirtschaft steuern. In: Benedikt Lutz (Hg.): Wissen im Dialog, Krems 2013, 21 - 28 []
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Credition. In: Runehov, Anne L.C., Oviedo, Lluis (Eds.): Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religion, 2013, 536-539.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Glauben ist ein Problem. Von der Komplexität mentaler Glaubensprozesse. In: Herder Korrespondenz, 2013/05, 260 - 265.
Herder Korrespondenz online
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Processes of believing - a review and conceptual account. In: Joseph P. Huston (ed.): Reviews in the Neurosciences, (2012) Band 23, Heft 3, Seiten 303 - 309 and
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Ist das Konzept der Creditionen für die Religionspsychologie brauchbar? In: Wege zum Menschen 1/2011, in: Wege zum Menschen 63 (2011), 4 - 26
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Glaubensprozesse - mehr als gefühlte Erkenntnis. Plädoyer für eine integrative Creditionen-Theorie, In: Maria Elisabeth Aigner / Rainer Bucher / Ingrid Bucher / Ingrid Hable / Hans-Walter Ruckenbauer (Hg.): Räume des Aufatmens. Pastoralpsychologie im Risiko der Anerkennung (FS für Karl Heinz Landenhauf), Berlin - Wien 2010, 156 - 189.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Man glaubt mehr als man glaubt. In: Themenzentrierte Interaktion, 1/2009, 57 - 67.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel:
Ausblendungen, Lebensrelevanz und Glaubensprozesse (Creditionen). Religionspädagogische Positionierungen im Schnittfeld von Naturwissenschaft und Theologie. In: theo-web 2009/1, 26 – 41.
Hans-Ferdiand Angel:
Religiosidad (en: La nueva Ilustratción Evolucionista) 2009.
Rüdiger J. Seitz / Matthias Franz / Nina P. Azari:
Value judgments and self-control of action: The role of the medial frontal cortex. In: Brain Research Reviews, Volume 60(2), May 2009, 368–378.
Hans-Ferdinand Angel / Andreas Krauss:
Bases neurológicas de la religiosidad, en: Mentre y Cerebro, 12/2004.
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