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Wednesday, 21. October 2015

Opening and Introduction:

Credition Research and the model of credition: a basic introduction



Thursday, 22. October 2014
09:00-09:15AngelIntroduction to the program of the conference
09:15-10:00RunehovBeing and to be
10:00-10:45PaloutzianBelieving, Remembering, and Imagining: The Roots and Fruits of Meaning Made and Remade

The Neuroscience of Mysticism: Some Approaches to Cognition and Ineffability


Enchantment through critical feeling: How people come to believe what they want to believe

15:15-16:00OviedoRecent scientific explanations of religious beliefs: A systematic account
16:00-16:30HansJohn Dewey on the dynamics of belief


Friday, 23. October 2015
09:00-09:45SeitzProcesses of believing: experience shapes behavior
09:45-10:30Farias'I don't believe in the Virgin Mary or in electricity' (Fernando Pessoa). An experimental approach to the study of religious and secular beliefs
11:00-11:45RauchCreditions and Information Science
11:45-12:30WoodInvestigations on how some people are better at self-control of brain activity: the cases of spirituality and sports
12:30-13:15SugiuraRelation of credition and the multi-layerd self
Lunch and City tour

Academic celebration (in German) in the Aula of the University

19:00-20:15Seitz"Glauben - Lernen - Haltung"
Public Lecture for INGE St. (in German / Aula)
20:30Reception and Buffet (Aula)



Saturday, 24. October 2015
09:00-09:30AngelThe actual status of the Credition Research Project
09:30-11:30(*)Processes of Believing: The Acquisition, Maintenance, and Change in Creditions:

The Interconnectedness of the contributions to the Springer book
11:30-12:30(Angel)The Model of Credition
Collecting ideas for future research and cooperation


 (*) Contributors to the book present during conference:

 Angel, Auletta, Colagé, Holzer, Maaßen, Oviedo, Paloutzian, Runehov, Seitz, Sugiura,


Heinrichstraße 78/II 8010 Graz
O.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Ferdinand Angel Telefon:+43 (0)316 380 - 6230
Mobil:+43 664 85 65 175

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