All Presenters
The affiliation is valid for the year of participation
Angel Hans-Ferdinand, Prof. Dr. / Graz
Scientific Director
University of Graz
Full Professor of Catechetics and Religious Education
Heinrichstraße 78/II
8010 Graz
+43/316/380 - 6231
Seitz Rüdiger J. MD, Prof. Dr. / Düsseldorf
Scientific Director
Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
Department of Neurology
LVR-Klinikum Düsseldorf
Bergische Landstrasse 2
40629 Düsseldorf
Holzer Peter, Prof. Dr. / Graz
Medical University of Graz
Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
Universitätsplatz 4, 8010 Graz
Runehov Anne L.C., Ass. Prof./ Uppsala
University of Uppsala
Department of Theology
Basic Research: The Sturcture of Credition
Aglioti Salvatore, Prof. Dr. / Rome
Social and Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory
Department of Psychology
School of Medicine and Psychology
Sapienza University of Rome
Via dei Marsi 78, 00185, Roma, Italy
Alma Hans A., Prof. Dr. / Utrecht
Professor of Cultural Psychology and Existential Counselling Studies
University of Humanistic Studies
P.O. Box 797
3500 AT Utrecht
the Netherlands
Amanzio Martina, PhD / Torino
Assistant Professor in Psychobiology
Università degli Studi di Torino
Dipartimento di Psicologia
Auletta Gennaro, Prof. PhD / Rome
Pontifical Gregorian University
Azari Nina P., PhD / Hilo (Hawaii)
Professor of Psychology
University of Hawaii at Hilo
Department of Psychology
200 West Kawili Street, UCB 271
Hilo – Hawaii 96720 USA
001/808 933 3166
Belin David, PhD / Cambridge
University of Cambridge
Department of Pharmacology,
Tennis Court Road, Cambridge CB2 1PD, UK
Belzen Jacob van, Prof. Dr. Dr. / Amsterdam
University of Amsterdam
Delenus Institute
Oude Turfmarkt 147
NL-1012 GC Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Berg Gabriele, Prof. Dr. / Graz
University of Technology Graz
Full Professor of Environmental Biotechnology
Petersgasse 12/I
A - 8010 Graz
Bergner Sabine, Prof. Dr. / Graz
University of Graz
Department of Corporate Leadership and Entrepreneurship
Bischof Horst, Prof. Dr. / Graz
Vice Rector Research
Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision
Graz University of Technology
Inffeldgasse 16 2.OG
A-8010 Graz, Austria
Tel.: 0043/316/873-5014
Mobil: 0043/664/60 873 6020
F: 0043/316/873-5050
Brass Marcel, Prof. PhD / Gent
Department of Experimental Psychology
Ghent University/Belgium
Henri Duantlaan 2
9000 Gent, Belgium
Brugger Peter, Dr. / Zurich
Universitätsspital Zürich
Neurologische Klinik
CH-8091 Zürich
Buccino Giovanni, Prof. Dr. / Catanzaro
Universita degli studi "Magna Graecia" di Catanzaro
Viale Europa-Loc. Germaneto
88100 Catanzaro
Caspers Svenja, Dr. / Jülich
Forschungszentrum Jülich
Institut für Neurowissenschaften und Medizin
Leo-Brandt-Str. 2
52425 Jülich
Tel.: 0049/2461/61-1742
Claßen Joseph, Prof. Dr. / Leipzig
Direktor der Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie
Liebigstraße 20, D-04103 Leipzig
Tel.: +49/341 97 24200
Cristofori Irene, PhD / Lyon
Associate professor at the
University of Lyon 1 / France CNRS
(French National Center for Scientific Research)
Department of Neuroscience
Davies Oliver, Prof. Dr. / London
Department of Theology and Religious Studies,
King’s College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS
Tel.: 020/7848/2459
Dalkner Nina, Mag.a rer.nat / Graz
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine
Auenbruggerplatz 3, 8036 Graz / Austria
de Boer Elpine, Dr. / Leiden
Leiden University
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Leiden Institute for Area Studies
Ditzen Beate, Prof. Dr. / Heidelberg
Institut fuer Medizinische Psychologie im
Zentrum fuer Psychosoziale Medizin (ZPM)
Universitaetsklinikum Heidelberg
Ebenbauer Peter, Ass. Prof. / Graz
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Institute of Liturgics, Church Music and Christian Art
Heinrichstraße 78 B/DG, A - 8010 Graz
+0043/316/ 380 - 6204
Ebner Franz, Prof. Dr. / Graz
Medizinische Universität Graz
Universitätsklinik für Radiologie,
Klinische Abteilung für Neuroradiologie
(Departement of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology)
Elosua de Juan María Rosa, PhD / Madrid
National Distance Education University (UNED)
Facultad de Psicología
C/ Juan del Rosal 10
28040 Madrid
Farias Miguel, Dr. / Coventry
Coventry University
Centre for Research in Psychology,
Behaviour & Achievement
Feierman Jay R., Prof. PhD / Albuquerque (New Mexico)
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
University of New Mexico, USA
Gkirlou Dimitra / Thessaloniki
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Faculty of Theology
542 24 Thessaloniki
Gómez-Chacón Inés Maria, PhD / Madrid
Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Ciudad Universitaria
Plaza de Ciencias 3
28040 Madrid (Spain)
Tel: 00-34-913944602
Grafman Jordan, PhD / West Orange (New Jersey)
Traumatic Brain Injury Research Laboratory
Kessler Foundation Research Center
11900 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, New Jersey 07052
Tel.: 01/973-243-6995, Fax: 01/973-324-353
Gronover Matthias, Dr. / Tübingen
Universität Tübingen
Abteilung für Religionspädagogik,
Kerygmatik und kirchliche Erwachsenenbildung
Liebermeisterstraße 12
D-72076 Tübingen
Haffelder Günther, Dr. / Stuttgart
Institut für Kommunikation und Gehirnforschung
Stuttgarter Str. 134
D – Stuttgart-Feuerbach
Tel: 0049 / 711 / 8 17 98 38
Fax: 0049 / 711 / 8 17 98 39
Halligan Peter W., Prof. Dr./ Cardiff
School of Psychology
Cardiff University
Cardiff CF10 3AT
Han Shihui, Prof. PhD / Beijing
Department of Psychology
Peking University
5 Yiheyuan Road
Beijing 100871
Hick Hannes, Prof. Dr. / Graz
Technical University Graz/Austria
Institut für Machine Components
and Development Methodology
Huber Stefan, Dr. / Mainz
Kompetenzzentrum Orient-Okzident Mainz (KOOM)
Universität Mainz
D-55099 Mainz
Fon: +49/ +671/ 75483
Ilg Rüdiger, Dr. / Munich
Neurologische Klinik
Klinikum der Technischen Universität München
Möhlstrasse 28
81675 München
Tel. 089 4140 – 46 11
Jäger Christoph, Prof. Dr. / Innsbruck
University of Innsbruck
Dept. of Philosophy
Theological Faculty
Karl-Rahner Platz 1
6020 Innsbruck
Ji Sungchul / Piscataway (New Jersey)
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers University
Piscataway, N.J. 08855
Koglbauer Ioana, PhD / Graz
Research Platform Flight Simulation
Institute of Mechanics
Graz University of Technology
Koperinkusgasse 24/IV, A - 8010 Graz
Kohls Niko, Dr. / Northampton
University of Northapton
Boughton Green Rd
Northampton NN 7AL - UK
Kraal Anders, PhD / Calgary
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Philosophy
University of Calgary
Kapoukranidou Dorothea, Ass. Prof. / Thessaloniki
Medical School
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
University Campus
542 24 Thessaloniki
Tel.: 0030/2310/997328
Kranabitl Philipp, Dipl.-Ing., BSc / Graz
Technical University Graz/Austria
Institute for Machine Components
and Development Methodology
Kuhn Wilfried, Prof. Dr. / Schweinfurt
97422 Schweinfurt
Kurz Heinz-Dieter, Prof. Dr. / Graz
University of Graz
Full Professor of the Institute of Economics
Universitätsstraße 15 F/IV
A - 8010 Graz
Lamm Claus, Prof. Dr. / Vienna
Full Professor for Biological Psychology
Head of the Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Unit
Department of Basic Psychological Research and Research Methods
Room Number: 03.19
Liebiggasse 5, 3. Floor (left wing)
1010 Vienna Tel: 0043/1/4277-471 30
F: 0043/1/4277-471 39
Lange Klaus, Prof. Dr. / Regensburg
University of Regensburg
Institute of Psychology
Leach Javier, Prof. Dr. / Madrid
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Facultad de Informática
Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Programación
28040 Madrid
Lumbreras Sancho Sara, Prof. / Madrid
Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Institute for Research in Technology
Tel.: +34 91 542-2800 ext. 2786
Maaßen Helmut, Dr. / Düsseldorf
Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
Institute of Philosophy
Universitätsstr. 1
D - 40225 Düsseldorf
+49 (0)152 53666841
Malm-Lindberg Ingrid, Dr. / Uppsala
Department of Theology at Uppsala University
Marko Josef, Prof. Dr. / Graz
Full Professor for Public Law and Political Science
Universitätsstraße 15 Bauteil C/III
A - 8010 Graz
Marschner Laura, Dr. / Zurich
University of Zurich
Institut für Völkerrecht und ausländisches Verfassungsrecht
at present:
Visiting Professional (Chambers), International Criminal Court, Den Haag
Madzarevic, Davor, Mag. Theol. / Graz
Karl-Franzens University of Graz
Institute of Catechetics and Religious Education
Meissner Karin, Dr. / Munich
Institut für Medizinische Psychologie
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Goethestraße 31, 80336 München
Tel.: +49 / 89/ 2180 - 75613
Mitropoulou Vasiliki, Ass. Prof. Dr. / Thessaloniki
School of Theology
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
University Campus
542 24 Thessaloniki
Tel.: 0030/2310/997075
Neubauer Aljoscha, Prof. Dr. / Graz
Karl-Franzens University Graz/Austria
Full Professor for Differential Psychology
President of Austrian Society of Psychology
Northoff Georg, Dr. / Ottawa
Mind, Brain Imaging and Neuroethics Research Unit
Institute of Mental Health Research Royal Ottawa
Mental Health Centre 6th
floors, romms 6431-6447
1145 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1Z7K4
Oancea Dorin, Prof. Dr. / Sibiu (Hermannstadt)
Facultatea de Teologie Andrei Saguna
B-dul.Victoriei 9
sc.A.Ap. 12
RO-550179 Sibiu
Oviedo Lluis, Prof. Dr. / Rome
Pontifical University Antonianum
Theological Anthropology
Theology Faculty
Via Verulana 124, 00185 Rome
Paloutzian Ray, Prof. Dr. / Santa Barbara (California)
Professor of Psychology
Department of Psychology
Westmont College
955 La Paz Road
Santa Barbara, California 93108-1099 USA
Tel: +1 805 565 6233
Pfurtscheller Gert, Prof. Dr. / Graz
Technische Universität Graz
Laboratory of Brain-Computer Interfaces
Krenngasse 37, 8010 Graz
Tel.: +43 (0)316/873 5300
Fax: +43 (0)316/873 5349
Rauch Wolf, Prof. Dr. / Graz
Institute of Information Science and Information Systems
8010 Graz, Universitätsstraße 15 Bauteil F/III (INWI)
Reber Rolf, Prof. / Oslo
Department of Psychology
University of Oslo
Forskningsveien 3A
Postboks 1094
0317 Oslo
Rolls Edmund T., PhD / Oxford
Oxford Centre for Computational Neuroscience
Rominger Christian, PhD / Graz
University of Graz
Institute of Psychology
Universitätsplatz 2/DG
A - 8010 Graz
Runehov Hans K.M./ Malmö
System Architect
National Encyclopedia Malmö
Scherke Katharina, Prof. Dr. / Graz
Institut für Soziologie
Universitätsstraße 15 G/IV
A 8012 Graz
+43 (0)316 380 - 7078
Schienle Anne, Prof. Dr. / Graz
Karl-Franzens-University of Graz
Full Professor of the Institute of Psychology
Universitätsplatz 2/DG
8010 Graz
Schleim Stephan, PhD / Groningen
Theory and History of Psychology
Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences
University of Groningen
Grote Kruisstraat 2/1
9712 TS Groningen
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31/50 363 62 44
Schnabel Ulrich / Hamburg
Redaktion Wissen
20079 Hamburg
T: +49/40-3280-523
F: +49/40/3280-563
Schnider Armin, Prof. Dr. / Geneva
Médecin-chef du Service de Neurorééducation
Chef du Département des Neurosciences Cliniques
Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève
26, Av. de Beau-Séjour
CH-1211 Genève 14 / SUISSE
Schulter Günther, Prof. Dr. / Graz
University of Graz
Institute of Psychology
Universitätsplatz 2/D
A-8010 Graz
T: +43/316/380-5114
Schurz, Gerhard, Prof. Dr. / Düsseldorf
Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Universitätsstr. 1
40225 Düsseldorf
Tel.: +31/50 363 62 44
Shamay-Tsoory Simone, Dr. / Haifa
Department of Psychology, University of Haifa,
Mount Carmel Haifa 31905
Tel.: 04-8288778 (Internal: 8778)
Sturn Richard, Prof. Dr. / Graz
University of Graz
Institute of Public Economics
Universitätsstraße 15 E/IV
A - 8010 Graz
SUGIURA Motoaki, Ass. Prof. PhD / Sendai
Department of Functional Brain Imaging
Institute of Development
Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University Seiryo-machi 4-1
Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8575
Szocik Konrad, Ass. Prof. PhD / Rzeszów
Department of Philosophy and Cognitive Science
University of Information Technology and
Management in Rzeszów / Poland
Turpin Hugh, Dr. / Oxford
School of Anthropology & Museum Ethnography University of Oxford
School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography
51/53 Banbury Road, Oxford
Unterrainer Human-Friedrich, PhD / Graz
Center for Integrative Addiction Research (Grüner Kreis Society)
Department of Psychology
Institute of Pastoral Theology and Pastoral Psychology
Karl Franzens University Graz; Austria
Tel.: 0043-699-181-95-990
Utsch Michael, Dr. / Berlin
Auguststraße 80; 10117 Berlin
Tel.: 030 / 283 95 – 232
Fax: 030 / 283 95 – 212
Vogeley Kai, Prof. Dr. / Köln
Uniklinik Köln, Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Kerpener Straße 62, 50937 Köln
Wagner-Skacel Jolana, med.univ. / Graz
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine
Auenbruggerplatz 3, 8036 Graz / Austria
Walach Helmut, Dr. PhD / Northampton
University College Northapton
School of Social Sciences & Samueli Institute for Information Biology
Boughton Green Rd
Northampton NN 7AL - UK
Tel: +44/1604-892952
Fax: +44/1604-722067
Weber Michel, Dr. / Brussels, Tournai
Centre de philosophie pratique Bruxelles
École Supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc
Tournai (Belgien)
Weiss Elisabeth M., Prof. Dr. / Graz
University of Graz
Full Professor of Neuro Psychology
Abteilung für Biologische Psychologie
Tel.: 0043/316/380-5114
Willfort Reinhard, Dr. / Graz
ISN – Innovation Service Network GmbH
Hugo Wolf-Gasse 6a, A-8010 Graz
Wöller Andreas, Dr. / Munich
Neurologische Klinik
Klinikum der Technischen Universität München
Möhlstrasse 28
81675 München
Tel.: 0049/89 4140 – 46 11
Wood Guilherme, Ass. Prof. Dr. / Graz
University of Graz
Institute of Psychology
Universitätsplatz 2/DG
A-8010 Graz
Zaviyskyy Roman, PhD / Lviv (Lemberg)
Ukrainian Catholic University
Philosophical and Teological Faculty
Applied Research
Alma Hans A., Prof. Dr. / Utrecht
Professor of Cultural Psychology and Existential Counselling Studies
University of Humanistic Studies
P.O. Box 797
3500 AT Utrecht
the Netherlands
Anbeek Christa W., Prof. / Utrecht
Professor Remonstrant Theology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Associate professor existential philosophy
University of Humanistic Studies
Utrecht, the Netherlands
phone: +31-6-44922401
Angel Hans-Ferdinand, Prof. Dr. / Graz
Scientific Director
University of Graz
Full Professor of Catechetics and Religious Education
Heinrichstraße 78/II
8010 Graz
+43/316/380 - 6231
Bauer Christian, Dr. / Würzburg
University of Applied Science
Faculty of Design
Bolsinger Harald J., Prof. Dr. / Würzburg
University of Applied Science
Faculty of Economics
de Boer Elpine, Dr. / Leiden
Leiden University
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Leiden Institute for Area Studies
Duyndam Joachim, Prof. / Utrecht
Professor of Humanism & Philosophy, University of Humanistic Studies
Utrecht, the Netherlands
phone: +31-30-2390114
Feichtinger Christian, Dr. / Graz
University of Graz
Insitute of Catechetics and Religious Education
Heinrichstraße 78/II, A - 8010 Graz
+43/316/380 - 6233
Fössleitner Evelyne, BEd /Graz
Gkirlou Dimitra / Thessaloniki
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Faculty of Theology
542 24 Thessaloniki
Kate ten Laurens, Prof. / Utrecht
Associate professor of Philosophy,
Religious Studies & Globalization Studies;
professor by special appointment of Liberal Religion & Humanism (endowed chair)
phone: +31-6-20621671
Marko Josef, Prof. Dr. / Graz
Full Professor for Public Law and Political Science
Universitätsstraße 15 Bauteil C/III
A - 8010 Graz
Menzel Birgit / Frankfurt/M.
Hessische Lehrkräfteakademiesystemische Beratung, Supervision, Mediation
Mitropoulou Vasiliki, Ass. Prof. Dr. / Thessaloniki
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Faculty of Theology
542 24 Thessaloniki
Schneider Petra Maria / Karlstadt
Dipl.-Betriebswirtin und Business Coach
Schuhmann Carmen, Ass. Prof. / Utrecht
Practical Humanistic Studies
University of Humanistic Studies
Utrecht, the Netherlands
phone: +31-30-2390147
Stanko Gerjolj, Prof. Dr. / Ljubljana
University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Theology
Poljanska cesta 4
1000 Ljubljana
+386 1 434 58 18
Willfort Reinhard, Dr. / Graz
ISN – Innovation Service Network GmbH
Hugo Wolf-Gasse 6a, A-8010 Graz
Implementation Research
Angel Hans-Ferdinand, Prof. Dr. / Graz
University of Graz
Full Professor of Catechetics and Religious Education
Heinrichstraße 78/II
8010 Graz Austria
+43/316/380 - 6231
Oviedo Lluis, Prof. Dr. / Rome
Pontifical University Antonianum
Theological Anthropology
Theology Faculty
Via Verulana 124, 00185 Rome
Seitz Rüdiger J. MD, Prof. Dr. / Düsseldorf
Scientific Director
Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf
Department of Neurology
LVR-Klinikum Düsseldorf
Bergische Landstrasse 2
40629 Düsseldorf
Spurway Niels /Glasgow
Vallortigara Giorgio / Trento
Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC)
Full professor for Psychology and Cognitive Science
Piazza Manifattura, 1 - 38068 Rovereto
tel. 0464 808676 | 0461 282891